Perishable Baking Paper

perishable baking paper
perishable baking paper

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We use Perishable Baking Paper without even thinking how harmful it can be for us, in this post we will share some important information about baking paper and how to choose the right one for yourself and the environment.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Perishable Baking Paper

Baking Paper is so essential you can find it in any house and it does not matter if the households are using it for baking and cooking or just using it to warm up their purchased pizza. It is so necessary that you will find it in any kitchen in any house.

But, did you know that there are some types of this necessary product?

Have you ever seen the brown baking papers and wondered what is the difference between them and the white ones? What are the differences between these two colors of the perishable baking paper?

It is important to know these simple guidelines to avoid choosing the wrong ones that are toxic for us and our nature, so how do we choose the truly sustainable and perishable baking papers?

Important Guidelines For Choosing Baking Paper

The color-and what it means

As far as we all know papers come from the trees which means that their natural color will be brown so when you see white paper you can assume that it might not be as natural as you think. The most common way these days to turn these papers into white color is bleaching them. When high levels of brightness are required, the paper is treated with chemicals in order to artificially lighten the colour of the paper or increase its brightness. In recent years the compound chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has become available for on-site preparation, I guess you do not really want that to be near your food.

Non-Stick? Be Careful!

The bleached papers are covered with Quilon that helps the food not to stick on the paper and used for its economical reasons. Just imagine what happens when you heat it up. Look for the fairtrade rubber certificate.

“Quilon is a chemical that contains the heavy metal chromium. When Quilon is incinerated, it becomes a potential toxic hazard that can cause multiple health issues. Silicone, on the other hand, is non-toxic when incinerated.” Branopedia

Is it ecological?

Paper by its nature is perishable but the important thing in this case is the chemical traces that are absorbed in the soil and affect the nature. Buying just the perishable does not mean that it is truly ecological as it contains chemicals.

Look at the package of the Baking Paper

When you are looking for an ecological product the package is very important as well. If you buy a chemical-free, perishable baking paper but wrapped with nylon it is not completely ecological and you are just doing half of the job.

Avoid Greenwash

Some corporations tend to promote themselves as eco-friendly but their main consideration is making profit and not being ecological and more then that, harming the environment. You can also chack our post about Greenwashing.

Take care and B-Eco!


Branopedia – Click Here

Britannica – Click Here

Pubchem – Click Here

If You Care Certificates – Click Here

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